Citizen, Human

How are we to live?

How does one find joy in troubled times? How are we to live, when existential threats such as a pandemic virus disrupt our day-to-day activities and curtail our ability to enjoy our favorite activities?  How do we keep going when an unknown, hard-to-quantify threat to our health lurks in the shadows? Some words from C.S.… Continue reading How are we to live?

Citizen, Father, Leadership, Marketer, Musician

Discovering competence

Most of us have been in situations where we arrive on a scene, especially when joining a new group, and learn that something is going terribly wrong. The Boy Scout group planning an activity is disorganized. The band uniforms to distribute are all in a giant unsorted pile. The last guy wasn’t enforcing the rules… Continue reading Discovering competence

Citizen, Fan

Trivial trivia

There's important trivia, like "Who was the 30th president of the US?" There's less important trivia, like "How many different 'Mountain' roller coasters are there on Disney properties?" And then there's completely irrelevant, important-to-no-one-but-a-few-people-trivia, like "What was the name of that cereal that had a commercial that started with a cowboy singing 'Get along, little… Continue reading Trivial trivia