Athlete, Father, Leadership, Marketer, Musician, Runner

Showing you still know how to do it

Ever find yourself in a situation where you have to tackle a specialized task, and flex muscles that you haven't used in a while? And imposter syndrome starts to set in? Maybe it's helping your child with his algebra homework. Maybe it's cooking or baking a complex recipe for company coming over. Maybe you're taking… Continue reading Showing you still know how to do it

Athlete, Human, Husband, Marketer

Out of sync with the world

You're ready to go. You've got this. You come out of the gates at full speed. Chaaaaaaarge...! But wait - the world has different ideas today. What's the old Yiddish saying? "Man plans; God laughs." Maybe the emails and calls you're waiting for don't arrive. Decisions aren't made, leaving your work in limbo. The injury… Continue reading Out of sync with the world

Athlete, Father, Friend, Husband, Marketer, Musician

Self-care and recovery days

There's a lot on the calendar some weeks. It could be fun stuff like holiday celebrations and gatherings of friends. Or it might be a nonstop schedule of family chauffeuring. Sometimes it's long hours at the job for a crunch week.  Sometimes it's an array of previous commitments (choir rehearsals, weekly basketball, networking events) --… Continue reading Self-care and recovery days