Father, Husband, Puzzler

The family that puzzles together

Sometimes the best moments of joy are the ones you aren't expecting. It's the evening of the first day of the cruise. We've already had a fantastic day of catamaran-ing, snorkeling, ocean swimming, beach time, sunny weather, and rum punches. We've had a scrumptious dinner with the kind of service one gets on a cruise… Continue reading The family that puzzles together

Father, Husband

Just as you envisioned

One commonly held belief, shared by athletes, psychologists, and new-age gurus, is that if you invest time in envisioning a future, you're more likely to bring it about. Call it goal setting, call it controlling your reality, call it tricking your brain... however you attribute it, you can find example after example of people picturing… Continue reading Just as you envisioned

Father, Friend, Human, Husband, Musician, Son

Holiday Greetings for 2021

Merry Christmas and happy holidays from the Foley family. We hope you shook some treats out of 2021 just like we did all year, and found lots of reasons to jump, jump, jump for joy.  Hopefully your year had its own restful moments, if nothing else in a sigh of relief once the first vaccines… Continue reading Holiday Greetings for 2021