Father, Friend, Human, Husband, Musician, Son

Holiday Greetings for 2021

Merry Christmas and happy holidays from the Foley family. We hope you shook some treats out of 2021 just like we did all year, and found lots of reasons to jump, jump, jump for joy.  Hopefully your year had its own restful moments, if nothing else in a sigh of relief once the first vaccines… Continue reading Holiday Greetings for 2021

Father, Friend, Homeowner, Human, Husband, Musician, Son

Holiday greetings for 2020

We all know that 2020 made it challenging to find moments of joy -- the pandemic, the economic crisis, civil unrest, not to mention family health issues. But just as we all found ways to adapt, we found joy when we looked for it. Since it's so easy to forget about the good things that… Continue reading Holiday greetings for 2020

Father, Husband, Son

Family laughter around the TV

It's surprising these days how much active fun can be had by getting the family together in front of the television. Growing up, we'd gather around the TV to watch favorite weekly sitcoms together. Even though some of the jokes went over the heads of us kids, enough landed for us all to share the… Continue reading Family laughter around the TV